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Palo Alto Business Plan Premier Pro v11.25

Palo Alto Business Plan Premier Pro v11.25

Business Plan Pro - один из самых мощных среди существующих инструментов планирования. Business Plan Pro - это не просто инструмент разработки вашего бизнес-плана, с его помощью вы сможете улучшить и развить ваш бизнес! Начните планировать прямо сейчас! Позволяет изучать рынок, формировать графики, включает более 500 примеров планов. Программа доступна широкому кругу пользователей, обладающих навыками работы на компьютере и элементарными знаниями в области экономики.

Внутренние ресурсы программы - полная автоматизация работы, сложные математические расчеты, логическая обработка вводимых данных. Принципы разработки программы: это методика создания бизнес-плана, руководство для малоопытных пользователей. Легкость работы обуславливается тем, что пакет документов не перегружен, то есть разработчики не пытались включить в программу все области экономики, а выделили лишь ту часть, которая необходима для данного направления.

Everything to write your business plan, plus additional tools for managing your business.
Serious about creating a comprehensive, professional business plan? One that you can use now, to attract investors, and then continue to use as a tool to help you manage and grow your business? Then you're ready for Business Plan Pro Premier Edition.

You need Premier if:
* You are looking for funding from investors
* You're an ongoing business or already have financial data in Excel
* You are going to use your plan to manage your business

Over 500+ sample business plans
More than 500 sample business plans are included. Get inspired, compare your work to other successful plans, or just edit a sample and know you're starting on the right foot.

Bullet-proof financials
With the formulas built in, you don't have to worry about missing one number and throwing your forecasts way off. Linked tables mean you know the data is going where it's supposed to go.

Expert guidance at every step
Tim Berry, the author of Business Plan Pro, is the recognized authority on business planning. Using Business Plan Pro is like having Tim sitting next to you as you write your business plan.

Over 9,000 industry profiles included
Make sure your projections are on target and back up your numbers with real data about your industry. More than 9,000 industry profiles are included.

Import from Excel
Retyping data you've already got in QuickBooks or Excel is a waste of time. That's why Business Plan Pro Premier Edition allows you to quickly and easily import data directly into your plan. Use your accounting information to compare against your plan. Or include any spreadsheets you've got in Excel, without having to recreate the wheel each time.

Follow up with plan versus actual comparison
A business plan is a great start, but tracking real-world results and learning from them is where a business plan really helps you manage your business. Business Plan Pro Premier Edition takes your actual numbers and compares them to your projections. Then it provides analysis charts that help you see what went right, and wrong. Arming yourself with this information helps you steer your business into the future.

Present to investors with confidence
If you're going to show your business plan to investors or lenders, make sure it's got all the information your audience is looking for. They'll want to know what your business is worth and how and when they'll see a return on their investment. So show them the business valuation information and investment analysis details they're after. Prove you know what you're doing by presenting a complete, professional plan.

Visually track your cash flow
Where exactly is your cash going? Business Plan Pro Premier Edition includes a visual cash flow chart called the Cash Pilot, which shows you how small changes in collecting payments or ordering inventory can have a big impact on your overall cash flow. Cash is king, so make sure you manage it, and your business, wisely.

Информация о софте:
Год выпуска: 2011
Разработчик: paloalto.com
Версия: 11.25
Статус: Shareware
ОС: Windows®ALL
Язык итрефейса: Ukr/Eng
Лекарство: кeygen
Размер: 75.0 Mb

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